Insure Dao Testnet Feedback

Rajat narayan
1 min readAug 10, 2021

Insuredao team Recently i came across this project . At first i could not understand the project . It took me 1 day to understand. I had to go through all the documents provided by the team to comprehend the project. Eventually i got to know the vision and future of the project . i would like to share what i understood about the project so far.

  1. Its the first insurance market protocol on Ethereum. Its operation and management of the protocol are controlled by the DAO.
  2. Users can have access without KYC on ethereum.
  3. InsureDAO allows users to create any insurance pool like anyone can create any liquidity pool on Uniswap.
  4. InsureDAO uses an algorithm to measure risks and the pricing of premiums based on the market’s supply and demand.
  5. The main purposes of the INSURE token are to incentivise liquidity providers on InsureDAO.

Above are the some of few points to describe about InsuranceDao.



Rajat narayan

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